Source code for parce.transform

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the parce Python package.
# Copyright © 2019-2020 by Wilbert Berendsen <>
# This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Transform c.q. evaluate a tree or a stream of events.

This module provides the Transformer that does the work, the Transform base
class for all your transforming classes, the Item that wraps the output of
sub-contexts, the ItemList type to ease iterating over the contents of a
context, and some toplevel convenience functions.

See also the documentation: :doc:`transforming`.


import collections
import weakref

from . import util

[docs]class Item(collections.namedtuple("Item", "name obj")): """A named tuple(name, obj) wrapping the return value of a Transform method. .. py:property:: name (``Item[0]``) The name of the lexicon/transform method that was called. .. py:property:: obj (``Item[1]``) The return value of the transform method. """ __slots__ = () #: Class attribute to make it easier to distinguish tokens and Item instances. is_token = False
[docs]class ItemList(list): """A list of Item and Token instances. The Transformer populates this list with all the Tokens from a Context, replacing nested Contexts with an Item that wraps the return value of the Transform method for that Context's lexicon. The Transform methods are called with an instance of this class. Besides being a Python list, this class also has some methods that filter out items or tokens, etc. Slicing from ItemList returns a vanilla list. """ __slots__ = ('_arg',) def __init__(self, arg, iterable=()): """ItemList is initialized with the lexicon's argument.""" self._arg = arg super().__init__(iterable) @property def arg(self): """The lexicon's argument (if any).""" return self._arg
[docs] def tokens(self): """Yield only the tokens, ignoring Item objects that represent sub-contexts. """ for i in self: if i.is_token: yield i
[docs] def items(self): """Yield only the Items, ignoring any Token instances. Because you know only Item instances and not Tokens will be yielded, you can unpack name and object in one go:: for name, obj in itemlist.items(): ... """ for i in self: if not i.is_token: yield i
[docs] def grouped_objects(self, *names): """Yield objects in groups, specified by the names. The order remains the same. For example, when you have a stream of `key` and `value` Item objects, calling `grouped_objects('key', 'value')` yields the objects in (key, value) pairs. For missing objects, None is yielded. Tokens are ignored. """ # a mapping from name to position in the names list index = dict((name, i) for i, name in enumerate(names)) result = [None] * len(names) lastindex = -1 for name, obj in self.items(): if name in names: if index[name] <= lastindex: yield result result = [None] * len(names) lastindex = index[name] result[lastindex] = obj if lastindex > -1: yield result
[docs] def peek(self, index, *values): """Return True if the items from ``index`` compare equal with the ``values``. For tokens, the value is their action; for :class:`Item` instances their name. Negative indices are allowed. .. versionadded:: 0.27.0 """ if index < 0: index += len(self) if index < 0: return False end = index + len(values) if end > len(self): return False compare = tuple(i.action if i.is_token else for i in self[index:end]) return compare == values
[docs]class Transform: """This is the base class for a transform class. Currently it has no special behaviour, but that might change in the future. """
[docs]class Transformer(util.Observable): """Evaluate a tree. For every context, the transformer calls the corresponding method of the Transform instance with the contents of that context, where sub-contexts are already replaced with the transformed result. When a tree is transformed, Transformer emits the following events you can connect to: ``"started"``: emitted when transforming has started, with the tree as argument ``"updated"``: emitted when the transformation has fully completed, with the tree and the resulting transformation ``"finished"``: always emitted when transformation has quit, also when it was interrupted due to tree modification while transforming was busy; with the tree as argument """ transform_name_template = "{}Transform" """This format string creates the name to look for when searching a suitable Transform class in a Language module space (see :meth:`find_transform`). .. versionadded:: 0.27.0 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._transforms = util.caching_dict(self.find_transform) self._cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self._interrupt = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
[docs] def transform_text(self, root_lexicon, text, pos=0): """Directly create an evaluated object from text using root_lexicon. The transform methods get intermediate tokens, but *no* tree is built and the tokens don't have a parent. """ if not root_lexicon: return # a root lexicon can be None, but then there are no children from parce.tree import Context, make_tokens # local lookup is faster from parce.lexer import Event, Lexer from import Target def make_target(pop, push): """Return a Target if pop < 0 or push is not empty.""" if pop or push: return Target(pop, push) def build_tree(lexicons, events): """Build a tree in case missing lexicons need to be handled. Returns the tree and the next event (if any), with adapted pop value. """ tree = context = Context(lexicons[0], None) for lexicon in lexicons[1:]: context = Context(lexicon, context) context.parent.append(context) for target, lexemes in events: if target: for pop in range(target.pop, 0): if context is tree: return tree, Event(make_target(pop, target.push), lexemes) context = context.parent for lexicon in target.push: context = Context(lexicon, context) context.parent.append(context) context.extend(make_tokens(lexemes, context)) return tree, None def consume_events(lexicons, events): """Simply consume events until the first of the specified lexicons ends. Returns the next event, if any, with adapted pop value. """ pop = len(lexicons) for target, lexemes in events: if target: pop += target.pop if pop <= 0: return Event(make_target(pop, target.push), lexemes) pop += len(target.push) curlang = root_lexicon.language transform = self.get_transform(curlang) events = Lexer([root_lexicon]).events(text, pos) root_meth = getattr(transform,, None) if root_meth: add_untransformed = _allow_untransformed(root_meth) items = ItemList(root_lexicon.arg) stack = [] lexicon = root_lexicon for target, lexemes in events: while target: for _ in range(target.pop, 0): lexicon, olditems, meth, name, add_untransformed = stack.pop() olditems.append(Item(name, meth(items))) items = olditems for i, l in enumerate(target.push): if l.language is not curlang: curlang = l.language transform = self.get_transform(curlang) meth = getattr(transform,, None) if meth: stack.append((lexicon, items, meth,, add_untransformed)) add_untransformed = _allow_untransformed(meth) items = ItemList(l.arg) lexicon = l else: if add_untransformed: context, event = build_tree(target.push[i:], events) items.append(Item("<untransformed>", context)) else: event = consume_events(target.push[i:], events) target, lexemes = event if event else (None, ()) break else: break items.extend(make_tokens(lexemes)) # unwind while stack: lexicon, olditems, meth, name, add_untransformed = stack.pop() olditems.append(Item(name, meth(items))) items = olditems return root_meth(items)
[docs] def transform_tree(self, tree): """Evaluate a tree structure.""" self._interrupt[tree] = False if not tree.lexicon: return # a root lexicon can be None, but then there are no children curlang = tree.lexicon.language transform = self.get_transform(curlang) root_meth = getattr(transform,, None) if root_meth: add_untransformed = _allow_untransformed(root_meth) stack = [] node, items, i = tree, ItemList(tree.lexicon.arg), 0 while not self._interrupt[tree]: for i in range(i, len(node)): n = node[i] if n.is_token: items.append(n) else: # a context; do we have a method for it? if curlang is not n.lexicon.language: curlang = n.lexicon.language transform = self.get_transform(curlang) name = meth = getattr(transform, name, None) # don't bother going in this context if there is no method if meth: try: items.append(Item(name, self._cache[n])) except KeyError: stack.append((items, i + 1, meth, add_untransformed)) node, items, i = n, ItemList(n.lexicon.arg), 0 add_untransformed = _allow_untransformed(meth) break elif add_untransformed: items.append(Item("<untransformed>", n)) else: if stack: name = olditems, i, meth, add_untransformed = stack.pop() obj = self._cache[node] = meth(items) items = olditems items.append(Item(name, obj)) node = node.parent else: return root_meth(items)
[docs] def build(self, tree): """Called when a tree needs to be transformed. The default implementation iterates over :meth:`process` to perform the job. You can reimplement this method to perform the job in a background thread. """ for stage in self.process(tree): pass
[docs] def process(self, tree): """Transform the tree and emit events. Updates the cached result if the transformation was not interrupted. This method returns a generator; exhaust it fully to perform the transformation. """ self.emit("started", tree) yield "build" result = self.transform_tree(tree) yield "replace" if not self._interrupt[tree]: self._cache[tree] = result self.emit("updated", tree, result) del self._interrupt[tree] yield "done" self.emit("finished", tree)
[docs] def interrupt(self, tree): """Tell the Transformer to stop transforming the specified tree.""" self._interrupt[tree] = True
[docs] def result(self, tree): """Get the result of the transformed tree. Returns None if no result was yet created. Although this method is intended to return the transformed result for the root node, it can be used to get the intermediate result for any Context node. """ return self._cache.get(tree)
[docs] def invalidate_node(self, node): """Remove the transform results for this node and its ancestors from our cache. Does not throw away the result for the root context. """ while node.parent: del self._cache[node] node = node.parent
[docs] def connect_treebuilder(self, builder): """Connect to the events of the TreeBuilder. This causes the Transformer to automatically update the transformation when the tree builder updates the tree. """ builder.connect("replace", self.slot_replace, prepend_self=True) builder.connect("finished", self.slot_update, prepend_self=True, priority=-1000) builder.connect("invalidate", self.invalidate_node)
[docs] def disconnect_treebuilder(self, builder): """Disconnects from the events of the TreeBuilder.""" builder.disconnect("replace", self.slot_replace) builder.disconnect("finished", self.slot_update) builder.disconnect("invalidate", self.invalidate_node)
[docs] def slot_replace(self, builder): """Called when the tree builder starts altering the tree. Interrupts a process if busy for that tree. """ self.interrupt(builder.root)
[docs] def slot_update(self, builder): """Called when the tree builder has finished building the tree. Starts a new transformation job for the tree. """
[docs] def get_transform(self, language): """Return a Transform class instance for the specified language. May return None, if no Transform was added and none could be found. """ return self._transforms[language]
[docs] def add_transform(self, language, transform): """Add a Transform instance for the specified language. You may also specify None, to disable transformation for that language even if a transform could automatically be found. """ self._transforms[language] = transform
[docs] def find_transform(self, language): """Try to find a Transform for the specified language definition. This is done by looking for a Transform subclass in the language's module, with the same name as the language with "Transform" appended. So for a language class named "Json", this method tries to find a Transform in the same module with the name "JsonTransform". This naming scheme can be modified by setting the :attr:`transform_name_template` attribute. This method is called by :meth:`get_transform` if no Transform was added for the language. """ tf = util.language_sister_class(language, self.transform_name_template, Transform) if tf: return tf()
[docs]def transform_tree(tree, transform=None): """Convenience function that transforms tree using Transform. If you don't specify a Transform to use, *parce* tries to find one using the :meth:`Transformer.find_transform` method. If you want to specify multiple Transforms for different Language you expect in the tree you want to transform, instantiate a :class:`Transformer`, add the Transforms you want and call its :meth:`Transformer.transform_tree` method directly. """ t = Transformer() if transform: t.add_transform(tree.lexicon.language, transform) return t.transform_tree(tree)
[docs]def transform_text(root_lexicon, text, transform=None, pos=0): """Convenience function that transforms text directly using Transform. If you don't specify a Transform to use, *parce* tries to find one using the :meth:`Transformer.find_transform` method. If you want to specify multiple Transforms for different Language you expect in the text you want to transform, instantiate a :class:`Transformer`, add the Transforms you want and call its :meth:`Transformer.transform_text` method directly. """ t = Transformer() if transform: t.add_transform(root_lexicon.language, transform) return t.transform_text(root_lexicon, text, pos)
[docs]def add_untransformed(func): """Decorator to mark a Transform method with the 'add_untransformed' flag. When a :class:`Transform` method has this flag, child contexts of this method's context that have no transform method are not silently ignored, but added in an :class:`Item` with ``name`` ``<untransformed>`` (including the angle brackets). For example:: class MyLangTransform(Transform): @add_untransformed def root(self, items): "This method also gets the untransformed Contexts" for item in items: if not item.is_token and == "<untransformed>": context = item.obj # do something with the parce context.... """ func.add_untransformed = True return func
def _allow_untransformed(meth): """Return True when the method wants the untransformed stuff.""" return getattr(meth.__func__, "add_untransformed", False)